Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction Levels Among Nursing Teachers in Palestinian Universities
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect job satisfaction level amongst nursing teachers in the Palestinian universities. The study includes six variables which are constructed to explore the relationship between job satisfaction levels of nursing teachers working in Palestinian institute of higher learning. There are two moderate variables; demographic and academic factors, whereas economic, environment, communication and promotion act as the independent variables. A total of 73% of nursing teachers participated in this study. They are from faculties of five Palestinian universities. They had been selected purposively, and made up the total number of 150 nursing teachers. However, only 110 responses were valid to be analysed. The results showed that the factor which most significantly affected the nursing teachers’ level of satisfaction was promotion, followed by environment, communication and the factor with the least effect was economy, i.e., monthly salary. It was also found that 68% of the respondents felt satisfied with their job. There were no significant differences of job satisfaction amongst the respondents in relation to the to academic and demographic factors. However, differences could be detected in other factors; place of living, place of working, job duties, chances for promotion, surrounding environment, communication and economic. Except place of living, place of work and job duty, promotions, environmental atmosphere, communication and economic factors. The study also showed that job satisfaction level amongst nursing teachers in BirZeit University was at the best level. The results of the study will affect the educational level of nursing students in academic nursing institutions and clinical training environment, and somehow will improve the level of quality healthcare in Palestinian health organizations. This study recommends that, the level of satisfaction amongst the nursing teachers can be improved by improving nursing teachers’ salary, giving them a chance in shared decision-making, putting the right person in the right position, encouraging responsibility exchange system and facilitating professional communication between nursing teachers and their superiors.
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