A Review of Food Adulteration and Its Impact on Human Health
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Food the very essential source for life is a necessity to every living entity which plays a crucial role in health. It can be consumed in any form for nutrition by the humans and animals. Food adulteration has been a great concern since the start of civilization. It refers to any substance addition in food by any means which can alter the safety and quality of the food and will lead to risks in human health. Adulteration is a legal term which is used to state that the food which is adulterated does not pass the legal standards. Food adulteration can be spontaneously, accidental or deliberately and it can be performed to exceed the quantity of raw and prepared product, which ultimately altered the food quality. This review compiles the types of adulteration made in different types of food, its effects on human health, and detection using different kinds of methods and how to limit the adulteration.
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