Coastal Staff: Assessment of Personal Discomfort when Wearing Personal Protective Equipment while Caring Covid 19 Patients in a Selected South Indian Coastal Hospital- An Analytical Study
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Introduction: Coastal life nurses must wear adequate COVID-19 PPE to safeguard themselves and their sick people from the virus's spread in coastal communities. Nursing care of patients with COVID-19 was the challenging scenario for the nurses. Nurses experienced discomfort due to PPE Kit which was worn during care of patients with COVID-19. A study was conducted to assess the Personal Discomfort experienced by Staff Nurses wearing Personal Protective Equipment’s during care of patients with COVID-19 at a selected Hospital, Puducherry. The main objective of the study was to Assess the level of personal discomfort experienced by staff nurses wearing PPE during care of patient with COVID-19 and to compare the difference in the personal discomfort experienced by the staff nurses.
Methods and materials: Quantitative research approach of descriptive research design was used. A total of 100 subjects who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique. A structured instrument was used to collect the demographic data and the level of discomfort experienced by the subjects. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings were discussed based on the objectives.
Results: The result revealed that 95% of the subjects experienced high discomfort due to PPE kit where as 3% intolerable discomfort. Majority of nurses have experienced high discomfort with the mean value ranging from (22-34) which denotes that wearing PPE kit created unpleasant experience for the nurses during care of patients with COVID-19 in a coastal hospital.
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