Assessment of Bond Strength of Different Dentin Bonding Agents
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Objectives: To assess the shear bond strength of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eight generations of bonding agents.
Materials and method: 40 newly extracted premolars were chosen, categorised into 4 categaries of 10 samples each, and assigned as follows: Group A includes the fifth-generation bonding agent Prime and Bond NT from Dentsply, Group B includes Adper SE Plus from 3M ESPE, Group C includes Xeno V from Dentsply India, and Group D includes the 8th-generation bonding agent (One Coat 7 Universal). An air rotor was used to reveal the coronal dentin. After applying the dentin bonding agents, the composite was then placed on the previously exposed surface. Then, to test the shear bond strength a universal testing machine was used. Statistics were used to analyse the data.
Results: The eighth generation of bonding agent had the highest shear bond strength, subsequently the fifth, seventh, and lowest with the 6th generation (p 0.05).
Conclusion: The eighth generation of dentin bonding agents showed the strongest shear bond strength to dentin and required fewer steps in the process than other generations.
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