A Study on the Physicochemical Assessment of Salt Pan Water from the Cape Comorin Coast of Tamil Nadu
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Phytochemical components are a vital source of life for living things in marine habitats. The objective of the current inquiry is to evaluate the hydrogeochemical characteristics of samples of seawater and saltpan water. Samples were taken throughout the course of a year, from December 2020 to August 2021, at five selected sites in the Cape Comorin coastal region of the Kanyakumari district. Twenty physical and chemical characteristics of seawater and salt pan water have been the subject of a statistical analysis of the correlation coefficient study. Salinity, alkalinity, turbidity, temperature, pH, conductivity, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrate, TDS, phosphate, zinc, sulphate, and chloride are some of the characteristics. The findings show that the saltpan water sample contains higher levels of salinity, magnesium, chloride, suphate, and zinc than the seawater sample at different times of the year. The correlation coefficient statistical technique is great for accurately and reasonably forecasting the value of a significant parameter. The findings show a significant link between key variables in the Manakudi and Puthalam salt works. GraphPad Prism 9.4.1 was used to determine the relationship between the various physicochemical parameters using the data and the Karl-Pearson correlation coefficient.
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