A Review of Breast Cancer Cases Experiencing Ki-67 Expressions
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The main purposes of Ki-67 examination today are prognosis estimation, choice of adjuvant therapy, and response prediction to neoadjuvant therapy.
Thus, it is vital that the pathologist accurately and reliably assesses the Ki-67 status of breast cancer. In order to determine the relationship between Ki-67 status and known prognostic factors like age, tumor size, histological type, and grade, axillary lymph node metastasis, lymph vascular invasion (tumor emboli), tumor necrosis, hormone receptors such as estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR), Her-2 neu status, and molecular subtypes (Luminal A, Luminal B, Her 2 neu enriched, and triple-negative). Hence, diverse combinations of surgery, hormone therapy, postoperative radiation, and chemotherapy make up the current therapeutic approaches for treating breast cancer. A key duty of the clinician is to choose between hormone therapy, which has few side effects, and chemotherapy, which carries known morbidity and risk.
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