Outcome of Ulnar Shortening Darrach’s Osteotomy for Malunion of Distal End Radius Fracture with Positive Ulnar Variance- A Prospective Study
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Distal radius fractures that don't heal properly often cause radial lengthening as the primary deformity, along with abnormal radio-ulnar variation. Instability of the distal radioulnar joint and lesions of the "triangular fibrocartilage complex" (TFCC) are common complications. A person with a radio-ulnar variation has a shorter distance between their distal ulnar radius corner and their ulnar head's most distal portion of the dome. If the ulnar variance is positive, then the distal ulnar dome is farther distal than the distal ulnar corner of a radius. Because of the loading that happens between both the ulnar carpus and the ulnar head, this positive variation may lead to discomfort on the ulnar side of the wrist, limited ulnar deviation & rotation of the forearm, and the development of degenerative abnormalities.
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