Effect Of Myofascial Release in Combination with Muscle Energy Techniques on Axillary Web Syndrome in Post Radical Mastectomy Breast Cancer Patients
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In the early stages of breast cancer, surgery is often the first choice for treatment. It can also be used as an extra treatment in the later stages. A few of the many surgeries used to treat breast cancer are sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), lumpectomy, and surgical intervention mastectomy (MRM). After a modified radical mastectomy to axillary dissection of the lymph nodes (ALND), a woman's shoulder range of motion is greatly reduced (ROM). There are various physiotherapy treatment modalities, therapeutic exercises, manual therapies which include massage; myofascial release techniques and manual lymphatic drainage which need to be performed over an average period for three weeks to six months. These techniques are found to be effective in releasing the taut fibrous cord, improving the shoulder range of motion and tissue mobility.
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