An Overview of Various Cancer Treatments of Melanoma and its Diagnosis
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Exposure to harmful radiation, chemicals or genetic factors result in various types of cancers formation and development. Melanoma is one of the dangerous skin cancers. If its not diagnosed early and kept not treated at the right time it can even lead to the death. The direct effect of this skin cancer melanoma is on the melanin pigment producing melanocytes which can be a result of exposure to the Ultraviolet rays and time after time the melanocytes becomes cancerous. Nowadays in the current cancer treatments there are so many possibilities to reduce the spreading of skin cancer cells if they diagnosed earlier. Some of the cancer treatments such as chemotherapy result in many side effects and eventually has the beneficial pharmacological effects on the cancerous cells. Effective treatment and therapies of melanoma involves the chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy with combination of transduction inhibitors, regional and systematic chemotherapies, radiation and palliative therapies and final effective removal of cancerous cells by surgery. Immuno-regulatory gates are induced by the human body to spontaneously suppress immune reactions and prevent the immune system from damaging normal cells. Tumor cells can’t able to block the immune system when checkpoint blockers are used. Even so, but the survival rate of those affected population is still low and the main reason of the occurrence of this skin cancer is still unclear. This article reviews an overview of diagnosis, pathophysiology and various cancer treatment used in present days and its impact on the melanoma.
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