The Study of Fetomaternal Outcome in Cases of Placenta Previa
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Aim: The aim of the study was to find out the fetomaternal outcome in cases of placenta previa. Material & methods: A Prospective Study included 100 cases of placenta previa diagnosed ultrasonographically beyond 28 weeks of gestation complicated by placenta previa and the total number of deliveries control and out of them number of patients presented with placenta previa the incidence, maternal & fetal outcome in Obs & Gync department, PDU Medical College, Rajkot. Results: In the present study, 67 patients belonged to the 24-28 age groups. 69 patients belonged to the lower group and rest of the patients belonged to middle group. Majority of the patients included in the study belonged to urban area. 76 women were housewives in the study. All the women in the study were illiterate. 89 patients had LSCS delivery. 65 women had one episode of bleeding followed by 33 women having two episodes. In 82 patients, there were no complications. In the present study, 8 babies expired.
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