Features of the Appearance of Psychosomatics in Children with Bronchial Asthma during a New Coronavirus Infection (Covid-19)
Main Article Content
Purpose of the study. Will assess the psychosomatic state and optimize the treatment of children with bronchial asthma against the background of COVID-19.
Materials and methods. We examined 102 children aged 8 to 15 years who had COVID-19 patients with bronchial asthma. The sex ratio were: girls 48% (n=49), boys 52% (n=53).
We divided all the studied children into three groups: 1 - a group of children with BA who did not recover COVID-19 (n=58); 2 – group of children with BA who recovered from COVID-19 (n=44); group 3 - control (30 children), practically healthy children of the same age.
Results. The results of the study showed that in children with bronchial asthma on the background of COVID-19, the following were more often noted: stressful situations in society (for example, school change 32.15%). Psychosomatic status in children of the first and second groups of children were respectively: 36 and 46 points. In the studied children, in families, there were 1.5-2.0 times more conflict situations, quarrels between parents and other family members. These figures were higher compared to those of group 1 and healthy children. After the use of magnesium containing drug, the psychosomatic status in children of the first and second groups of children were 48 and 59 points, respectively.
Conclusion. Consequently, the leading type of psychosomatic disorder in the group under study consists in the denial of that information about external reality, which is disturbing and can lead to internal conflict. The presence of increased suggestibility is connected precisely with the action of the mechanism of denial.
Article Details
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