A Cross-Sectional Study of Knowledge and Attitude amongst Expectant Women towards Infant Oral Health Care in Nashik City
Main Article Content
Background: Mothers have a key role in the establishment and maintenance of their infants' dental health. The oral health of the mother and her knowledge and outlook on the importance of caring for her child's teeth are strong predictors of the child's own oral health. Aim: The goal of this study is to assess future moms' oral health knowledge and outlook (IOH). Study Design: Pregnant women in the Indian city of Nashik were the focus of a cross-sectional investigation. Materials and Methods: Over the course of two months, researchers randomly chose 150 eligible participants (i.e., pregnant women meeting the studyrecruitment criteria) from both public and private hospitals in Nashik. A self-administered questionnaire was used to gather information from mothers-to-be regarding their levels of knowledge and outlook on newborn dental health. SPSS was used for the analysis (version 22). Results: The results showed that most mothers-to-be were uninformed and unconcerned about their unborn child's dental health and did not practice good oral hygiene themselves. Expectant moms' levels of education, age, and the number of their pregnancies all had an influence in how well they understood the need of good dental hygiene. Conclusion: Awareness campaigns should be implemented to encourage and educate expecting women on the significance of dental health and its ramifications.
Article Details
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