Assessment of Microleakage and Shear Bond Strength of Conventional GIC, Nanocomposite and RMGIC Restorative Materials
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Objectives: To assess microleakage and shear bond strength of conventional GIC, RM GIC and nanocomposite restorative materials.
Materials and method: Occlusal portion of crowns were flattened. Prepared Class II cavities were restored with respective restorative materials; Group A- Conventional GIC, Group B- RMGIC and Group C- nanocomposites. Shear bond strength was assessed using universal testing machine (INSTRON). Microleakage was examined with stereomicroscope. Obtained data was statistically analysed.
Results: Results showed that nanocomposite had superior shear bond strength followed by resin modified GIC and leat with conventional GIC. Nanocomposites and conventional GIC had good microleakage compared to RM GIC.
Conclusion: Nanocomposit had higher shear bond strength and least microleakage in comparition to other groups.
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