Use of Folk Medicine Methods in Protecting Children’s Health
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This article examines the use of traditional medicine methods in protecting children’s health. Traditional medicine is defined as the knowledge, practices, and beliefs around different medicines, treatments and health care procedures developed in a specific culture over many generations, usually passed on from one generation to the next. This article discusses the use of traditional medicines in treating various ailments and illnesses commonly found in children, including those related to the immune system, digestive health, and skin complaints. It covers different traditional medicines and offers insights into why it may be beneficial for children to use them and how parents, healthcare providers and other stakeholders can be supportive. It also summarizes the potential risks associated with these medicines. The article concludes by noting the importance of evaluating all aspects of traditional medicine before using them, as well as emphasizing the need for further research and analysis into the safety and efficacy of these medicines in protecting children’s health.
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