Using a Three-Dimensional Superimposition Technique, Studying the Effects of Different Cooling Procedures on the Adaptability of Rapidly Heat-Cured Acrylic Denture Bases
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Aim: The purpose of this study is to use a 3D superimposition technique to examine how different cooling techniques affect denture base adaptation of rapidly heated acrylic resin.
Setting and Design: Comparative in vitro study.
Materials and Method: Five different cooling techniques were used to adapt two different polymethyl methacrylate acrylic resins for denture bases. For the purpose of creating denture bases with a standardized thickness, Casts in stone of 50 edentulous maxillae were made. Based on the components used and the methods of cooling, the samples were divided into five groups (n = 10). A 3Shape E1 laboratory scanner was used to examine the professional stone cast and all forty replacement dental implant bases. Each dental replacement base was examined, and then, using the Appear 3-Matic application, the filtered picture was superimposed on top of the expert cast filter. Color surface maps were made to display the three-dimensional contrasts between the two surfaces for a visual qualitative assessment.
The statistical analysis included the use of the generalised Linear Model Test as well as the Bonferroni Post Hoc Analysis.
Results: There was a large area of green across the whole palatal surface in all of the instances that were cooled in the seats, but the red variation regions enlarged in the swiftly cooled examples, particularly in the taste buds and the post-dam areas. The Summed Direct Model test and Bonferroni post hoc analysis both confirmed that there was significant variation in root means square quality across the various sample sets.
Conclusion: By and large, the accuracy of the samples that were cooled on the bench was higher than that of the quick cooling groups. In spite of the need for faster denture manufacturing, bench cooling of quickly heat-cured PMMA is important for satisfactory denture base adaption.
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