The Clinical Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Approach for the Effective Delivery of Pharmacology Courses
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This paper presents the cognizance of learning and the change in attitude of pharmacy students who were part of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach to the pharmacology course. This also explores the student’s perception of a clinical-based approach to learning pharmacology course. The PBL was instigated for the course in two successive years, i.e., 2018 and 2019, in anticipation that the use of this qualitative paradigm would seek students' engagement at a higher level and learning pharmacology with a research attitude. For this study, data was collected through structured feedback from the students, feedback from the course instructor, and final exam results. For the 2018 batch, the traditional approach of classroom teaching i.e. didactic instruction was followed, whereas; PBL approach was implemented during the year 2019. There was a significant improvement in the exam scores in year 2019 compared to the year 2018, when students were only exposed to classroom teaching. The average score of the students was also found to be higher compared to the previous year. Moreover, structured feedback from the students shows positive agreement with using PBL as part of teaching and learning. The implementation of the PBL approach in the pharmacology course has increased students' engagement, which ultimately enhances their understanding and ability to engage in critical thinking.
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