Effectiveness of Post-Isometric Relaxation Technique Versus Rhythmic Stabilization in Postoperative Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
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Background; Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are very common in young athletes who play sports that require turning, decelerating, and Jumping. Through the use of physical therapy exercises and other approaches, physiotherapy is beneficial for treating ACL-deficientness and enhances the quality of life. The medial wall of the lateral femoral condyle is where the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) begins, and its insertion site in the Centre of the intercondylar area of the tibia is where the ACL ends. Since it prevents the tibia from translating forward and rotating, it plays a key role in the knee joint. Method; The study was a comparative study conducted among both male and female participants held at the Krishna college of physiotherapy. a location where measurements were taken and information was gathered from the individuals. There was a completely random selection of individuals. Samples will be chosen using certain inclusion and exclusion criteria. Participant permission will be obtained properly. The participants will be briefed on the study's methodology and goals before any data collection begins. Two groups will be created from the participants. one group will receive post-isometric relaxation and other group will receive rhythmic stabilization. The primary outcome measure used was Range of knee joint the Range of motion of the knee joint will be measured by goniometer and Manual muscle testing it help to determine the extent and degree of muscular weakness and also help to-asses the improvement of protocol Result; In this study after analyzing the data it was found that post isometric relaxation of muscle energy technique is more effective than rhythmic stabilization of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Conclusion; based on the previous studies both of these stretching Technique is effective for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction but from this post isometric relaxation is much more than the other one.
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