Effectiveness of Forward Walking and Retro Walking on Balance and Walking Speed in Geriatric Population
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BACKGROUND- All of our systems and tissues are affected by ageing, which is a fundamental process. Aging reduces one's muscle strength, balance, and walking speed. By preventing the onset of a handicap, regular walking enhances the quality of life for the elderly and interrupts the cycle of incapacity. OBJECTIVES- Examining the effects of forward and backward walking on the stability and gait velocity of the elderly population. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY- A total of 48 participants were chosen at random and split in half. Each group had 5 minutes to warm up and cool down. During the 20 minutes, Group A walked in a Forward direction while Group B walked in a Reverse direction. Each treatment lasted 30 minutes, 3 times each week, for a total of 4 weeks. Performance oriented mobility assessment (POMA) and the Multi-directional Reach Test (MDRT) were used to measure stability and gait speed, respectively. We measured every result both before and after the intervention. RESULT AND CONCLUSSION- Within-group analysis showed statistically significant differences between both groups on the MDRT and the POMA, with the exception of the POMA scale in Group A. POMA T(Total), MDRT Group B showed statistically significant improvement according to the between groups analysis. As a result, both groups were successful in helping the geriatric population's balance and walking speed.Retro walking was found to be superior to forward walking.
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