The Effectiveness of Exclusive Breastfeeding Complementary Foods Training on Knowledge of Stunted Mothers with Children under Two Years Old in Kupang City, Indonesia
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Introduction. The prevalence of stunting under the age of five in East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) was 84,299 children under the age of five in 2019. Kupang City is one of the areas in NTT Province that prioritizes addressing poverty and stunting in Indonesia. Data from the Kupang City Health Department shows that 3,898 children under the age of five (29.9%) were affected by stunting cases in 2019. In 2020, the incidence of stunting increased to 5,151 (32.3%). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of Exclusive breastfeeding complementary foods training on the knowledge of stunted mothers in the city of Kupang. Method. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest design with a control group, This design uses two measurements, namely before and after the procedure, This study compares the group that received the educational intervention as a treatment group and the group that received no treatment as a control group. Result. it is known that there is a significant difference in knowledge p-value (p) = 0.020. Conclusion. In summary, there is a significant difference between the knowledge that has received guidance and brochures and the knowledge that has received guidance.
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