Effectiveness of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Muscle Strengthening on Heel Pain in Postmenopausal Women
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Context: In people nowadays extremely common overused injury is heel pain. In postmenopausal women it is most typical that various hormonal changes taking place after menopause. Heel pain is affected by this reduction as plantar fascia elasticity and length are being maintained by estrogen levels it is very important role on it. The purpose of this study was to find and analyze the effectiveness of intrinsic and extrinsic muscle strengthening on heel pain in postmenopausal women.
Aim: To find the effectiveness of intrinsic and extrinsic muscle strengthening on heel pain in postmenopausal women.
Methods: In this comparative study, 56 postmenopausal women were approached through emails. Subjects were randomized into two groups: Group A (n=28) was control group and Group B (n=28) was study group. Subjects from both groups exercised five times per week and followed the ergonomics. Pain intensity and disability were assessed at baseline and at the end of week 3.
Results: Comparison within the group was done by using One- ANOVA test and between the groups by unpaired t test. Based on the statical results, pre and post shown significant difference in foot function index scale. Post 3rd week intervention difference in the foot function index scale (<0.0001) is considered as extremely significant.
Conclusion: Intrinsic and extrinsic muscle strengthening exercises have proven to be effective on heel pain in postmenopausal women.
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