Perspective of Mothers on Creches of Navi Mumbai
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Introduction: Working mothers need support from family to rear their kids in better way. If they belongs to nuclear family the only option for them is send their children in day care setting after schools hours. Mothers will be having plenty of questions and concern about the creche facility. They will be always inquisitive about the infrastructure, facilities, safety, hygiene, teachers and care providers. Even they will be concerned about the growth, behaviour, communication, language and development of the child. Materials and methods: Qualitative phenomenology research approach was adopted for the study. The variable under study was perspective of mothers on creches. Creches of Navi Mumbai are the setting. Mothers of selected creches of Navi Mumbai were the population for the study. Estimated sample size was 25. The data saturation attained at 12th sample. Non probability convenient sampling. The tool consists of socio-demographic profile and open ended questions. The data collected by in depth face to face interview technique and the response of the participants was audio recorded with consent. Results: The data was analysed using differential and inferential analysis. In the demographic profile of mothers, the majority that is 58.33 % belongs to the age group of 30 to 40 years, 58.33 % mothers are post graduate, the majority are self-employed mothers (41.67 %). 75 % belongs to nuclear family and 50 % children spend less than 04 hours & 50 % children spend 04 – 06 hours in creche. Qualitative aspects of data was analysed using colaizzi phenomenological method. After collecting the data the transcription of data performed by listening to recording and validated by experts. The subthemes and codes were emerged based on the predetermined themes. The major themes was feeling about child in creche, positive aspects of child in creche, suggestions to improve quality, opinion of care givers and improvement happened to child at day care. The views and perception mothers are highly positive. Conclusion: The working mothers feeling, perception and suggestion is major concern and it contribute very well in further to develop any qualitative initiative for the betterment of child at day care. The initiative will help in the overall development of society and children who is our future generations. The ultimate effect is going to reflect among working mothers for their empowerment. The women empowerment contributes very well for better family structure there by a better society and that leads developed nation.
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