Non- Invasive Tests in Related to NAFLD and NASH
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Because of poor eating habits, weight increase, sedentary lifestyles, "Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease" the prevalence and incidence of (NAFLD)have risen over time. This Article aims to demonstrate how biomarkers can be used as early diagnostic tools to identify (NAFLD)or, patients suffering from disease of non-alcoholic fatty liver and (NASH) or, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis as well as the patient’s subgroup with the fittest candidates for clinical trials on new compounds. NAFLD defines as the presence of hepatic steatosis of less than 5% in a histological examination without any evidence of hepatocellular injury, such as hepatocyte ballooning. It is frequently related to one or more metabolic syndrome components, such as dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.
The most reliable method so far for diagnosing fatty liver(PDFF) or, proton density fat fraction generated from(MRI) or, magnetic resonance imaging. Clinical practice is the key issueinhow to make an early diagnosis of NASH. Despite a number of well-known limitations, most research on NASH confirm that point shear wave elastography or, transient elastography can help in increasing the individual number that should be tested for investigational therapy.
Article Details
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