Prevalence of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis among New Culture-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Tertiary Care Center
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Increased “Multidrug-resistant” (MDR) strain prevalence is continuously becoming a significant public health concern as India is expected to eradicate tuberculosis (TB) by 2025. No prior use of anti-tuberculosis therapy (ATT) or use of ATT for less than one month was required for a new case of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Two tertiary care referral institutions in North India gathered a single sputum sample from 380 probable PTB cases. All samples underwent Ziehl-Neelsen staining, “automated BACTEC MGIT 960” culture, and “Line Probe Assay” (LPA) drug susceptibility testing. In all patients with positive cultures, tests for Isoniazid and Rifampicin resistance were conducted.
There were 276 new PTB cases among the total of 380 patients (median age 28 years; 56.57% and 43.42% of whom were men and women, respectively). From these patients, 46 (16.66%) were rifampicin-resistant, 62(22.46%) were isoniazid-resistant, and 34(12.31%) were rifampicin- and isoniazid-resistant. New PTB cases have a high prevalence of MDR strains. Because centers served as referral institutions, there might be a higher prevalence.
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