Selection of a student for Annual Excellence Award: An application of Trapezoidal Fuzzy AHP
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Performance evaluations and awards have a tremendous impact on attracting, motivating, and maintaining talented students at educational institutions. Using an objective, systematically constructed reward system would be a just and fair approach to distribute awards. This paper aims to present a Fuzzy AHP Extended Extent Analysis Method for selecting a student for the annual excellence award for the academic year 2021–2022. Six criteria and six alternatives were taken into account in this case study. A trapezoidal fuzzy number is used to evaluate the outcomes and order the criteria according to weights when comparing these criteria pairwise. Buckley used trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to indicate the decision-assessment maker's options in relation to each criterion. The results of this study can be used to formally recognize and reward outstanding students. Additionally to increasing system openness, this would motivate students to produce results that the institution cares about. This paper presents the Excellence Award for Students in Educational Institutions using the Analytical Hierarchy Process.
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