“A Study to Assess the Effect of Nutrition Education Programme on Dietary Habits in terms of Knowledge and Attitude among College Students”
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College students are at risk for making poor dietary preferences that can cause major health problems. The perfect fraction of food and nutrition starting from our early stages of life plays a vital role in the later life. OBJECTIVES: 1.To assesses the level of knowledge and attitude on Dietary Habits.2. To evaluate the effectiveness of Nutrition Education program on Dietary Habits AIM: The study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of Nutrition Education Programme on Dietary Habits in terms of Knowledge and Attitude among Students of Mahila Arts College Nadiad, Gujarat.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental (pretest- posttest control group) design was employed in Mahila Arts College Nadiad, Gujarat. The simple random sampling technique was used to draw sixty college students as samples. A structured pretested knowledge assessment questionnaire consisting of 25 questions and Five Point Likert Attitude Scale (20 items) on healthy dietary habits was used. Lesson plan along with appropriate flipbook had been utilized for teaching. On the 7th day, post test was conducted using the same questionnaire. The total sample size was 60 college students.
Result: Nutrition Education Program was imparted and knowledge and attitude regarding dietary habits was assessed. Knowledge on dietary habits was assessed pre and post-intervention, the mean score of knowledge on dietary habits during pre-intervention was 7.78±1.59 and post-intervention was 10.28±2.92. There was significant (p<0.05) improvement observed regarding knowledge on dietary habits after intervention. Similarly, mean score of attitude on diet habits before intervention and post intervention were 49.82±4.94 and 54.55±6.74 respectively. Significant (p<0.05) improvement was observed also in the attitude of the subjects post-intervention. It confirms the positive impact of nutrition education program.
This Nutrition Education Programme improved healthy dietary habits among college students. Results suggest that a scaled-up initiative using existing colleges and health resources could change dietary habits in a large population over time. The nutrition education programme also provided lessons for implementing and evaluating similar nutrition programmes.
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