Review: Technology Development to Incorporate Functional Oil Sources in Yoghurt to Improve Functional Properties
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This review mainly focuses on Functional oils (FO) including essential oils (EO) associated with yoghurt production which induces functional properties. Dairy industries are using functional ingredients such as ginger and garlic, Aloevera, fruit pulps, bee honey, plant extracts and spices (such as clove, cinnamon, pepper, and mustard oils). The oil available in the food ingredients can be used for this purpose. Yoghurt is produced by lactic acid fermentation by specific microorganisms and the keeping quality of perishable dairy products is improved by applying plant FOs. The chemical composition of spices such as cinnamon oil contains cinnamaldehyde (68.11%,), and eugenol (4.57%). Also, clove oil is having Eugenol (80.00%), and beta-caryophyllene (14.70%). Garlic constitutes valuable natural antioxidants as the bioactive compounds such as allyl methyl trisulfide (13.20%), allyl (E) - 1 - propenyl disulfide (12.50%). Also, ginger is having a-Zingiberene (30.06%), and β-sesquiphellandrene (10.71%), therefore yoghurt can be enhanced by fortification with those FOs. The bioactive ingredients are available in these essential oils are having antimicrobial properties, anti-cancer, anti-ulcer, antioxidant and anti-fungal abilities. It was identified that there were some significant changes observed during storage with the total solids (TS) of yoghurt using several types of FO. Thus, the pH decreased gradually; simultaneously the titratable acidity was also increased gradually during storage. Also, significant differences in the flavor were observed. Sensory evaluation analysis revealed that the total score was decreased slightly during storage.
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