Profile Access and Treatment of Minor Symptoms as First Line of Defense Against Prevalent Viral Attack
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For the purpose of maintaining health and preventing, diagnosing, bettering, or treating physical and mental disease, traditional medicine is "the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the ideas, beliefs, and experiences unique to diverse cultures" (World Health Organization). There are many different types of traditional medicine, each with its own philosophy and practices that are shaped by the culture, environment, and geography in which they originated (WHO, 2005)1. Despite these differences, many traditional medical practitioners share a commitment to treating the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—rather than focusing solely on disease. The use of herbs is central to all systems of traditional medicine, and the emphasis is on the patient as a whole rather than on a specific illness (Conboy et al. 2007)2. This study examines the increasing use of herbals as the first treatment option against viral symptoms.
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