Functional Outcome of Proximal Humerus Fracture Operated with Deltopectoral Approach v/s Deltoid Splitting Approach
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Introduction: Upper end humerus fractures can be considered one of the common causes of morbidity. Displaced fractures do require operative stabilization. Open reduction and internal fixation are common methods used for head salvage purposes. Locking plate is the usual choice of implant for head-preserving surgeries. Proximal humerus can be operated by two basic approaches, conventional deltopectoral and lateral deltoid-split approach. Materials and methods: The study was conducted from May 2020 to May 2022 in tertiary care medical college hospital. The study was prospective involving 40 patients. Patients were randomly selected (20 in each group). Results were evaluated by the Constant score system. Results: The study showed female preponderance. Better clinical and functional outcome was observed in patients treated by deltoid split approach. Conclusions: Deltoid split approach is better than Deltopectoral approach for better clinical and functional outcomes in proximal humerus fractures. Deltoid split approach is better in terms of less operative time, less blood loss, less immobilization time, and early resumption of activities of daily living for a patient.
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