Comparison of Efficacy of Intrathecal 0.5% Levobupivacaine Heavy Versus 0.5% Bupivacaine Heavy in Patients for Lower Abdominal Surgeries.

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Kiran Adithya G. K.
Arul Amutha Elizabeth
Farhana Rahman


Comparison of Efficacy of Intrathecal 0.5% Levobupivacaine Heavy Versus 0.5% Bupivacaine Heavy in Patients for Lower Abdominal Surgeries.

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How to Cite
Adithya G. K., K. ., Amutha Elizabeth, A. ., Kalpana, Rahman, F. ., Shalini, & Vaishnavi. (2023). Comparison of Efficacy of Intrathecal 0.5% Levobupivacaine Heavy Versus 0.5% Bupivacaine Heavy in Patients for Lower Abdominal Surgeries. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 11(1), 884–891. Retrieved from


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