Box Musik Terapi (BMT) for Hypertensive Patient in Methodist Hospital Medan: Used MPX5050dp and GSR
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Music therapy is often used by people who suffer from certain diseases. The benefits of this therapy could be felt by everyone who does it. Researchers have conducted music therapy tests on people with drug disorders. This music therapy had been successful, and researchers published an article entitled Utilization of Music Therapy as Alternative Medicine for Victims of Drug Abuse at the Mutiara Abadi Binjai Rehabilitation Institution. Music therapy is a therapeutic tool to improve, maintain and develop mental, physical, and emotional health and is a form of therapy in the health sector. The tool used as a conductor for therapy music is a Box musik Terapi (BmT) consisting of: (i) MPX5050dp sensor as a blood pressure sensor designed to detect air pressure with an output of voltage in units of volts, (ii) Galvanic Skin Resistance (GCR) sensor as measuring the conductivity level of different skin (this sensor is used to determine human psychological and physiological levels), (iii) Head Set, and (iv) Memory Card for storing music data.
Music data used for this therapy is "Alam Menyapa". Overall, the four components were assembled in such a way as to form a unified whole in BmT. The purpose of research through BmT is as a form of therapy for hypertensive patients where 1) patients are expected to gain peace after hearing BmT, which could reduce hypertension, 2) Being able to design a prototype of music therapy as an alternative treatment solution for hypertensive patients through Box musik Terapi (BmT). The methods used were qualitative and quantitative, where the results to be obtained were that BmT is useful in reducing stress levels in hypertensive patients. The results indicate the benefits of BmT for patients in hospitals, especially for hypertensive patients.
Article Details
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