Formulation And Evaluation of Polyherbal Mouth Ulcer Gel Containing Bombax Ceiba Thorn Extract and Psidium Guajava Leaf Extract
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Studies show that the most typical symptom we experience is a mouth ulcer or canker sore. Clinically, the lesion is characterised by a single or numerous deep and superficial seals that are accompanied by microbial invasions. In order to cure mouth ulcers, the current study set out to make and evaluate a herbal gel employing Psidium guajava leaf and Bombax ceiba thorn extracts. Shamimin, an antibacterial compound found in Bombax ceiba Linn., suppresses fungal, viral, and bacterial infection of mouth ulcers. Both quercetin and myrcetin, which are both contained in Psidium guajava Linn., exhibit strong antiulcer activity. Phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, and saponins are all present in the leaf extract of Psidium guajava, which has antibacterial and antiulcer properties. In order to effectively treat mouth ulcers, the present study of Bombax ceiba thorn extract and Psidium guajava leaf extract may boost drug penetration from the affected area, which may result in the treatment exhibiting both antifungal and antibacterial activity. In comparison to synthetic formulations, the developed herbal formulation was more stable, safe, and successful at treating mouth ulcers.
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