Changes in Oral Health-Related Quality of Life after Orthognathic Surgery and an Accompanying Pre-Post Orthodontic Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Study
Main Article Content
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how patients' general and oral HRQoL change after undergoing orthognathic surgery for dentofacial deformity and whether or not these changes differ by the kind of deformity.
Materials and methods
There were 100 people with dentofacial anomalies included in this prospective longitudinal study. The research was carried out at many centers. Before and three and six months after undergoing orthognathic surgery, patients filled out the Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ), Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), and Short-Form Health Survey version2 (SF-36v2). Dentofacial deformity grades were determined using a paired t-test to assess shifts and an unpaired t-test to differentiate between grades II and III. We were able to examine the rate of transformation by estimating the standard error of the standardized response (SRM).
Half a year following medical operation, the OQLQ and OHIP-14 revealed really large improvements compared to the pre-careful evaluation; nevertheless, the SF-36v2 showed measurable essential improvements only in the actual portion outline. Most of the OHIP-14 dimensions were unaffected by the SRM, however the OQLQ oral capacity (-1.15) and dentofacial facial feel (-0.71) dimensions were significantly affected.
Patients with Class II and Class III dentofacial abnormalities who had orthognathic surgery reported significant improvements in their oral HRQoL and overall health. As compared to patients in Class II, those in Class III made much more improvement.
Article Details
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