Effectiveness of Puppet Show on Knowledge Regarding Ill Effects of Junk Food Among the Secondary School Students
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'Eat healthy and live healthy' is one of the basic Principal of life. But Unfortunately children have accepted a system of having Junk food, which leads to ill health and nutritional deficiencies. Children are the future of nation. The foremost and the most critical step is creating awareness among the children for strong and healthy nation and maximum population we found in school. To create health awernes among the school children we need interesting, attractive and effective audio and video teaching method. There are different ways of implementing such programs and one of the method is PUPPET show. Methodology: A quantitative research approach was adopted and data was collected by one group pre-test post-test method from 100 school children and 20 teachers by interviewing with questionnaire to assess pre and post knowledge score of children after puppet show, also pre and post score of teachers to assess their perception about puppet show method for creating awareness and improving knowledge of children. Result: Statistical analysis shows that the overall pertest mean score was 6.84 out of maximum score of 20 and 13.62 in post-test which is statistically significant (t test value : 1.88 ). pre-test mean score of teachers’ perception about adopting puppet show method of teaching is 1.35 and post-test mean score 4.55 which more than pre-test.
Article Details
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