Preparation of Crude Extract from Chaetomorpha Species Seaweed and Analysis of their Antioxidant Property - An in Vitro Study
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INTRODUCTION: Chronic periodontitis is a leading cause of tooth loss leading to poor quality of life worldwide. Dental plaque biofilm is the primary etiologic factor for the development of periodontal infections. The ensuing interaction between the plaque microflora and the host results in cascades of events ultimately leading to an inflammatory response in the periodontal tissues. Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals in our body. Chaetomorpha species, a common and widespread green seaweed genus with unbranched filaments. Its wide variety of bioactive substances makes it a potential candidate to explore its antioxidant properties. AIM: To analyze the antioxidant property of crude extract prepared from chaetomorpha species MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted at the Department of Biomaterials, Saveetha Dental College. Cheatomorpha species seaweed was collected from the Bay of Bengal ocean along the Chennai coastline and ethanolic crude extract was prepared. The extract was then analyzed for antioxidant activity using DPPH assay, H2O2 radical scavenging test and total antioxidant analysis. Control used was ascorbic acid. RESULTS: Antioxidant activity gradually increased in accordance to the increase in concentration of the sample. The highest concentration of 100ug/ml showed 64% of antioxidant activity whereas ascorbic acid which is taken as control showed 80% of antioxidant activity at 100ug/ml concentration. CONCLUSION: Natural resources are often used for discovery of drugs and play a vital role in programs of drug development. The biological activities of marine algae are increasing tremendously. Therefore, mechanical therapy alone is not sufficient in the treatment of periodontal infections. In severe periodontitis, adjunct therapy in the form of antioxidant supplements would help to overcome the tissue destruction mediated oxidative stress and bring the tissues back to homeostasis.
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