“Comparitve Study of Foam Roller and Met on Myofascial Trigger Points of Calf Muscles in Clinical Nurses”
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Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of the greatest frequently occurring occupational disorders seen in nurses. Lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are more prevalent, but understudied. Calf pain is common among nurses and is associated with individual and work-related factors such as long standing and continuous movement. Nurses have to always be on their toes to provide the optimal treatment to the patients. Activities such as repetitive standing, walking take up most of their day and is an integral part in patient care. So much so that they neglect their own health to such a level that they experience calf pain this occurs mainly due to the presence of trigger point. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of Foam Rolling and Muscle Energy Technique (MET) on active Myofascial Trigger Point of calf muscles in clinical nurses Study setting and design: Interventional study conducted at Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy OPD, Dr D.Y Patil Vidyapeeth.,pune Methods and Materials: 30 female nurses, 28-40 years with an experience of at least 1 year in clinical nursing working for a minimum of 8 hours per day with an exclusion of any orthopedic or neurological disorder, leg of foot trauma. The primary outcome measures pain pressure threshold with pressure algometer, pain with numerical pain rating scale and disability with lower extremity functional scale. Results: Results revealed statistical significance in pain pressure threshold (p<0.05), pain and disability in Group A Foam Roller than Group B MET. Conclusion: It can be concluded that both Foam Roller and MET are effective individually but in comparison of both, Foam Roller is most effective in reducing pain, increasing pain pressure threshold and reducing impairments in Trigger points of Calf Muscles.
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Leon Chaitow Muscle Energy Technique 3rd Edition
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