Evaluate the Efficacy of Dexamethasone with Various Routes After Surgical Extraction of Mandibular Third Molar. Running Title: Efficacy of Dexamethasone with Various Routes.
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Third molar impaction is believed to be one of the most commonly encountered Dental Anomaly which occurs due to human Evolution, lifestyle changes, habits which leads to decrease in size of Human Jaw. Prevalence of third molar impaction is higher in mandible as compared to maxilla. Surgical extraction of impacted third molars is one of the most routinely practiced minor surgical procedure in the Field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Surgical extraction of third molar are frequently associated with mild to severe complications depending upon the type, degree and location of the impacted tooth. Most commonly associated complications associated with surgical third molar extraction are Swelling, Trismus and Discomfort. To reduce these associated comorbidities, powerful anti-inflammatory agents such as Corticosteroids can be used. Dexamethasone is a long acting systemic corticosteroid acting on inflammatory mediators. Route of Administration of Dexamethasone is an important Factor to be taken into consideration to minimize the Post-Operative Complications. Here, in our study we have administered dexamethasone via different Modes such as Intravenous (IV), Intramassetric (IM), Sub mucosal(SM) and oral Route. The main Aim of this Study is to evaluate the expeditious path to reduce post-operative discomfort, Swelling and Trismus after surgical removal of third molar.
Article Details
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