Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy: A Multi-Centric Hospital Based Descriptive Study
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Introduction: Diabetes is a huge public health issue with a high mortality & morbidity rate. India is one of the key areas of focus . An increase in the prevalence of GDM reflects the present trends for rising diabetes and obesity which demands more attention and health implications . This study was undertaken to study the clinical and epidemiological profile of Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy .Objective: To study the clinical and epidemiological profile of Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy. Methods: A hospital based descriptive study was conducted among 300 subjects at a tertiary teaching hospital in Thoothukudi for a period of two years. The collected data was analysed using IBM-SPSS version 21.0 Results: Majority of the women were in the age group of 21 to 25 years followed by 26 to 30 years. 56% had family history of diabetes mellitus and 49.9% had previous history of GDM. 60% of mothers with high HbA1c levels had high blood sugars in OGCT whereas 16.8% with normal HbA1c had high OGCT values Conclusion: Regular antenatal care, routine screening of all pregnant women for carbohydrate intolerance and strict glycaemic control mandatory to improve obstetric outcome.
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ACOG Practice Bulletin,clinical management guidelines for obstetrician -gynaecologist.Number 180,July2017.
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