Efficacy of Close Kinetic Chain Exercises Versus Aquatic Exercises on Muscle Performance in Osteoarthritis of Knee
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative disease of joint and some pathological changes seen in joints includes increasing loss and destruction of articular cartilage, thickening of the subchondral bone and formation of osteophytes. It is common degenerative joint disease mostly affecting 15% to 40% of people above age of 40 years. The aim of the study isdetermine the efficacy of close kinetic chain exercises versus aquatic exercises on muscle performance with osteoarthritis of knee.
Objective: To determine the efficacy of close kinetic chain exercises versus aquatic exercises on muscle performance with osteoarthritis of knee.
Material and Methodology: The purpose and the study were explained to the participants, a consent form was filled by the participants. 60 patients with knee OA were divided into 2 groups. Subjects in Group A received close kinetic chain exercise (CKCE) and group B received aquatic exercises. The treatment period was of 3 weeks for both groups. Comparison of pre and post muscle performance was done in both groups.
Conclusion:Findings of the study have shown that both aquatic exercises and close kinetic chain exercises are effective on muscle performance in patient with osteoarthritis of knee. But among both aquatic exercises are proven to be more beneficial as compared to that of close kinetic chain exercises on muscle performance in patient with osteoarthritis of knee.
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