Preventing Foot Drop and Venous Thrombosis While Maintaining Muscle Function in a Portable Orthosis
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Background: Intensive care is the treatment of patients who are suffering from illnesses that pose a significant risk to their lives. These patients are looked after by the most highly trained medical professionals using the most cutting-edge medical technology and services. Intensive care encompasses all aspects of protocol that are associated with the patient's natural life. Foot drop, deep vein thrombosis, atrophy, and diminished muscular strength are among possible problems that might arise from being hospitalized in a distinctive ward. The goal of this research is to find ways to treat foot drop, deep vein thrombosis, muscle atrophy, and a decrease in overall muscular endurance. Methods: The heading and presentation of the assignment were developed with input from the director after a review of scholarly journals and books yielded the starting point. After that, a prototype of the gadget was created in corporation with the graphic and mechanical engineers at Fianccy. The engineers themselves came up with the proper equipment. Results: The findings of the current research as well as the findings of other studies would be one of the most efficient methods to avoid ankle foot drop, the distortion of the toes, muscular atrophy, enhance blood circulation from the bottom towards the top, monitor heart rhythm, and preserve the endurance of the foot muscles. This research was conducted in the conjunction with other studies. Furthermore, utilizing orothesis might lessen it greatly. Moreover, it is advised to make adjustments to the preventative measures, such as the production of equipment (e.g., portable orthosis).Conclusion:This system is a cost-effective strategy, and by using this device, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of the mentioned problems so that patients do not suffer from secondary problems.
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