Impact of Antimicrobial Resistance in Diabetic Foot Infections
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A terrible micro-vascular consequence called diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) is to blame for a significant rise in morbidity and mortality. DFU is a complex complication of infection, neuropathy, and peripheral artery disorders. Microbial flora causes conditions ranging from superficial cellulitis to chronic osteomyelitis and lower limb amputations due to gangrenous extremities. Antibiotic treatment is not mandatory without soft tissue or bone infection evidences. Bacteria (particularly gram positive coccii) must be treated empirically for infections ranging from mild to moderate, while obligatory anaerobes and aggressive gram-negative aerobes must be targeted by wide spectrum antibiotics for severe infections or infections brought on by drug-resistant organisms. Neuropathic ulceration commonly leads to common diabetic foot infections. Diabetic foot infections can cause osteomyelitis, especially when they are linked to serious and foot ulcers which are chronic in nature. In this study we assessed various published trailsbased on clinical setting for diabetic foot ulcer, infections and drug resistance cumulatively. It is observed diabetes foot infections should receive individualized antimicrobial treatment based on the severity of the condition, the microbial pathogen, and the host for minimizing antimicrobial resistance.
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