Evaluation of Marginal Micro-Leakage and Marginal Accuracy of Provisional Crowns Luted with Various Non-Eugenol Cements: An In-Vitro Study
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Purpose: Assessment of marginal micro-leakage and marginal accuracy of non-eugenol temporary luting cements by the use of provisional crowns on prepared teeth.
Materials and Methods: 60 extracted mandibular molars of similar crown height were mounted in auto-polymerizing resin blocks. Tooth preparation to receive metal ceramic crown with shoulder finish line was done. The provisional crowns were fabricated using pre-operative putty index and were evaluated for marginal accuracy. Samples were divided into three groups with 20 samples in each. The crowns were cemented using Tempbond(Kerr U.K), RelyXTempNE (3M ESPE AG) and Freegenol (GC). Thermocycling was done for 250 times (5-60℃ temp.) with an interval of 10 s between two immersions. They were then immersed in 5% basic fuschin dye and sectioned. The marginal micro-leakage was assessed by observing the sectioned samples in between bucco-lingual and mesiodistal direction. Marginal accuracy was evaluated with stereomicroscope.
Results: Marginal microleakage and accuracy was highly significant with all the three cements and occurred between the tooth surface and the cement layer and not between the cement layer and the restoration.
Conclusion: Minimum marginal microleakage was obtained by RelyXTempNE and the highest marginal microleakage was founds in tempbond and Freegenol showed intermediate values.
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