Assessment of Correlation of Meiboscale with Symptom Score Index and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Sign Score
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Background:The most frequent mechanism for MGD is a low delivery state marked by gland obstruction. The present study was conducted to assess association of Meiboscale with symptom score and meibomian gland dysfunction sign score.
Materials & Methods: sixty subjects having meibomian gland malfunction of both sexes underwent a complete visual assessment. The MGD sign value was estimated in both eyes through the sum of 6 grading systems. Association among OSDI score, sign scoreand MGL score based on Meiboscale was evaluated.
Results: Out of sixty subjects, men were 38 whereas women were 22. The average ocular surface disease index (OSDI) was 40.3, Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) was 7.41 and Meiboscale MGL score was 1.92. There was strong correlation of MGL score with MGD sign score (P< 0.05). There was no correlation between MGL and OSDI and OSDI with MGD sign score (P> 0.05).
Conclusion: Meiboscale can be used for reliable assessment and grading ofMGD, and has clinical utility similar to the sum of six MGD sign scores.
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