Probiotics as a Harpoon for Targeting Oral Cancers: A Brief Update
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Aim: To review different strains of probiotic bacteria and their role in the carcinogenesis process.
Background: Oral cancer is the sixth most prevalent malignancy in the world in terms of prevalence and death rates. Although oral cancer is treated most commonly with chemotherapy and immunotherapy, the formation of resistance to these treatments is a major downside that leads to disease recurrence. Probiotics are currently being advised as adjuvant and complementary therapeutic strategies for boosting the effects of chemotherapy and immunotherapy medications. Probiotics, or friendly microflora in our bodies, aid in the manufacture of beneficial compounds that protect the immune system from diseases such as cancer.
Review Results: In a detailed review, it was found that many probiotic strains of Lactobacillus species took an active participation in the management of oral cancers, leading to their decreased frequency in occurrence, along with few other probiotic species like Acetobacter syzygii and Bifidobacterium species.
Conclusion: Probiotics have anti-cancer properties that help in the prevention and inhibition of cancers, focusing mainly on oral cancers. They aid in the reduced occurrence of oral cancers, with the help of certain strains of the lactobacillus species mostly, by restoring the balance of the oral microbiota to its normal healthy state in various cases.
Clinical Significance: Oral probiotics can be used as a cure to manage dysbiosis in the oral environment as well as restore the normal function of the oral microbiome, in cases of head and neck cancers, during the processes of treatment and recovery. Therefore, further studies regarding the actual mode of action of probiotics in the disease progression and management of oral cancers should be investigated, so as to understand the functioning of the probiotics in its recovery.
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