Evaluation of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Patients of Oral Lichen Planus
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Background: A Common disorder of the stratified squamous epithelia is Lichen planus that affects the scalp, skin, nails, and mucosa. Today’s study conducted to evaluate anxiety, depression & stress in patients of oral lichen planus.
Materials & Methods:40histological cases with confirmation of oral lichen planus of both genders were categorised into 2 groups. Group I comprised of OLP cases (40) & Group II had healthy control subjects (40). DASS‑42 questionnaire consisting of 42 symptoms was used for assessment.
Results: Group I take 15 males and 25 females whereas, group II take 20 males and 20 females. The mean depression score in Group-I = 6.8 and in group II = 3.5, anxiety seen in group I = 7.9 and in group II=4.3 & stress score in group I = 11.7 and in group II= 6.2. The difference was significant (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: DASS-42 found to be reliable & useful for evaluating anxiety, depression,& stress. Psychiatric assessmentis is accepted for patients of oral lichen planus.
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