Psychophysiological Characteristics of Athletes-Volleyball Players with Hearing Impairment
Main Article Content
To reveal the features of the central nervous system and the severity of hemispheric asymmetry in volleyball athletes with hearing deprivation.
Materials and methods: The study involved 14 athletes with hearing deprivation of varying degrees, aged 20 to 35 years (mean age 29.20 ± 1.3 years), with different sports qualifications. When evaluating the indicators of a simple visual-motor reaction, the reaction time, the degree of its stability, the level of functional capabilities of the nervous system of athletes were determined. To determine manual asymmetry, M. Annette's questionnaire, motor tests (dynamometry, tests for the interlacing of hands and applause) were used, and the coefficient of the right hand was calculated. When detecting visual asymmetry, the Rosenbach test and the spyglass test were used. The ratio of the right eye was also calculated.
Results: It was revealed that a third of the examined athletes have a symmetrical distribution of signs both in the visual and manual spheres, a significant dependence of which on sports titles was not found. The time of a simple visual-motor reaction in volleyball athletes with hearing deprivation was reduced. The stability of the reaction and the level of functional capabilities were within the normal range and had a significant dependence on the sports title and category.
Conclusion: It was revealed that volleyball players with hearing impairment form a special type of interhemispheric interaction, characterized by a more even distribution of functional activity between the right and left hemispheres, and in connection with this, a low level of development of manual and visual asymmetry.
Article Details
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