Hybrid Optimized Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with Ensemble Learning for Cancer Subtypes Diagnosis
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Cancer disease diagnosis and treatment now place a high priority on categorization of cancer subtypes. Pathological cancer subgroups have proven difficult to accurately identify molecularly. Numerous supervised learning techniques have been used to classify cancer subtypes in recent years in order to address these demands. For the categorization of cancer subtypes, the prior system used Deep Fuzzy Flexible Neural Forest (DFFNForest) with Binomial Probability Distribution-based Principal Component Analysis (BDPCA).BDPCA is used in this study to conduct dimensional reductions. The Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) algorithm will next be used to execute the feature selection in order to lower the classifier's miss rate. The DFFNForest is used to classify cancer subtypes in accordance with the chosen characteristic. However, the single classifier does not always produce better results. In order to enhance prediction performance, ensemble learning is necessary. A Hybrid Optimized Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (HOICA) with Ensemble Learning (EL) for Cancer Subtypes Diagnosis was developed by the suggested approach to address this issue. Dimensional reduction, feature choice, and classification processes make up the proposed cancer diagnostic system. Utilizing Improved Independent Component Analysis (IICA), dimensional reductions are carried out in the first step. To reduce the classifier's miss rate in the second stage, features are chosen using HOICA. Finally, the categorization is carried out using EL, which combines methodologies from the Support Vector Machine (SVM), Weighted Activation Function based Convolutional Neural Network (WAFCNN), and DFFN Forest. In terms of accuracy, precision, recall, f-measure, and error, the experimental findings demonstrate that the suggested system outperforms the current system.
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