Analysis of Incidence, Risk Factors, Epidemiology, Mortality and Outcome in Device Related Health Care Associated Infections: In Intensive Care Units of a Tertiary Care Hospital
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Patients in the intensive care unit had an infection rate five- to sevenfold higher than other hospital inpatients, making up twenty-five percent of all nosocomial infections. Patients in the intensive care unit had an infection rate five- to sevenfold higher than other hospital inpatients, making up twenty-five percent of all nosocomial infections. A study has been conducted in Apollo hospital, Indraprasth with the objective to determine the incidence, associated risk factors, the causative pathogens and the outcome of device (central venous line, endotracheal tube/ tracheostomy tube, urinary catheter) related HCAI in the ICUs of a tertiary care hospital. The incidence of VAP (76%) was highest among patients whom body position was semi recumbent. There was significant (p=0.0001) association of incidence of VAP with body position. This result is because of all patients are nursed in semi recumbent position, if not contraindicated, as per VAP bundle. The incidence of CLABSI was among all patients who used vasopressor. The incidence of CAUTI was in 29.4% patients who used vasopressor. There was significant (p<0.05) association of incidence of CLABSI and CAUTI with vasopressor used.
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