Recent Trends in Neuro marketing – A Review
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Neuro-marketing is examined as a revolutionary economic strategy based on human brain research and conventional marketing principles. This research strongly depends on a working knowledge of neuromarketing and its influence on customer decision-making. This article discusses several neuromarketing strategies, as well as the advantages of various market input devices. Neuromarketing's numerous approaches and procedures, according to existing literature and research findings, have a direct impact on marketing success. Neuromarketing has garnered significant traction in recent years. Its work across a broad spectrum of marketing disciplines has benefited everything from marketing tactics to brand selection and advertising to ethical and decision-making difficulties. According to a recent study, neuromarketing concepts and ideas can help marketers better understand their clients' behaviour and build new marketing approaches that use neuroscience. This research examines customers' perspectives and conscious or subconscious purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study is to explore the advantages, disadvantages, ethical issues, and future possibilities of neuromarketing. A neuromarketing research will assist a business in competing for market dominance, expanding its consumer base, and retaining long-term customers. This research approach will assist in determining what the client desires, the preferred services, and how to capture the customer's attention. Neuromarketing has the potential to significantly increase a marketer's income.
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