Medicinal Value of Mushrooms and its Impact on Human Health and Indian Economy
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Mushrooms are high in carbohydrates, proteins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, making them an excellent source of these nutrients. They are low in fat, carbohydrates, sodium, calories, and do not contain cholesterol. Mushrooms also contain beneficial compounds like fibre, proteins, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin D, potassium, and selenium. Medicinal mushrooms are higher order of fungus with more nutrients, a lower fat level, and a greater fibre content. They are considered as the best source of nutritious foods and pharmaceuticals. Many bioactive substances and secondary metabolites can be found in them. In recent years, the global mushroom industry has expanded rapidly. Mushroom cultivation not only recycles a lot of agricultural waste, but it also helps individuals cover nutritional gaps. Mushroom cultivation can also be employed as a means of self-employment. Mushroom growers and consumers should be aware of the nutritional and medical benefits that mushrooms may provide. The dietary and nutritional worth of mushrooms, as well as their therapeutic characteristics, are discussed in this paper. The current situation of the mushroom industry is also examined, as well as how it contributes to the economy.
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