Relevance of Structural and Functional Impairment in the Breast Cancer Survivor Undergoing Chemotherapy
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Background: Breast cancer is the condition suffered by the individual mostly due to transformed lifestyle factor. Impairments leads toactivitylimitation and, this shows, participation in daily household tasks is restricted. In various studies it is observed as the functional impairment has led towards the shoulder joint movement restriction, sensory impairment and also the cognitive impairment due to various drugs during chemotherapy that has the effect of central nervous system. The greater the extent of surgery, more the structures are affected leading to structural impairment.
Objectives: To study the prevalence of structures impaired and the function affected in the breast cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy.
Methods: The functional impairment is monitored with the help of upper extremity function index. As per the extent of difficulty that is mild, moderate and severe. And on the basis of type of surgeries mostly carried as the treatment for breast cancer evaluates the structures affected during surgery that shows the structural impairment.
Results: The 76 subjects are included in this study. In which the prevalence of structural impairment is seen on the basis of type of surgery. 46% is seen in modified radical mastectomy and 24% and 30% is in breast conservation surgery and total mastectomy respectively. Where, functional impairment shows prevalence mostly in moderate extent of difficulty that is 78% and mild is observed 17% and severe is only 5%.
Conclusion: The limitations before the surgery were not observed to be affecting the activities of daily living of the patient also decreased ROM, pain like symptoms were noted as not experienced. But later with the surgery and chemotherapy they suffer a lot of difficulties in movements of limb and restricts the range of movement, patient experiences impairments in the function and structure that has impact on daily life. The structural and functional impairments in the patients with breast cancer undergoing the treatment of chemotherapy and prevalence is beheld.
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